Sacred Treasures Emi Incense
Hand made in strict accordance with the ancient tradition of Kunkhyen Mipham, this one-of-a-kind incense contains over 250 Himalayan medicinal herbs.
Emi Drupten perfectly guided the creation of this high demand incense for over 30 years. Emi-la was a sincere yogic practitioner and life-long attendant of Apho Rinpoche of the Togden Shakya Shri lineage.
Used by monks and nuns in ceremonies in the Shakya Shri Himalayan hermitages, this slow burning incense invokes both wrathful and peaceful deities. It is useful for all spiritual and healing purposes. It has grounding, purifying and soothing qualities.
Exclusive to Sacred Treasures. Approx. 35 sticks. 15 x 4 cm.
Watch how this incense is made: